
Calcenova is composed of slaked lime, minerals, and natural laminated charges. It may be applied over drywall or paint on interiors. Because of its mineral nature, exterior stucco or cement products require a layer of Velnova (imported substrate) prior to finish applications. Calcenova is a controlled carbonization coating which remains stable over time, thus preventing surface crumbling and cracking. This product is ecologically friendly and non-toxic.


Marmorino is composed of aged slaked lime, marble flour, and laminated charges. For interior use it can be applied over drywall or paint. Because of its mineral nature, Marmorino must be applied over a lime plaster substrate. Exterior stucco or cement products require a layer of Velnova plaster (imported substrate), prior to finish application. This system controls carbonation and keeps alkalinity stable, thus preventing surface crumbling and cracking.


Travertino is a pure mineral coating composed of slaked lime, marble flour, and quartz sands. It can be applied over drywall or paint on interiors. Because of its mineral nature, Travertino must be applied over a lime plaster substrate. Exterior stucco or cement products require a layer of Velnova plaster (imported substrate), prior to finish application.


The Veneziano system has layers of plaster made of resinified crystalline calcium carbonate, laminated charges, rutile titanium dioxide, and inorganic pigments. The system controls carbonation and keeps alkalinity stable thus preventing surface crumbling and degradation. All products in this system are non-toxic and ecologically friendly.

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